As we entered the West Coast National Park in South Africa, hoping to see the natural phenomenon of the wild flowers in August, at first we might have felt disappointed. There were no flowers to be seen from the car.
However, as we travelled further into the Park, a feast of magical sights ensued. These varied from barren land, to wild sea views, beaches and sand-dunes forming a backdrop to magnificent carpets of various coloured flowers. At times these tapestries were predominantly orange and at others, blue or white.
As we came closer to the fields of flowers there were areas where we were permitted to leave the car and could walk amongst the flowers. Looking closely at small areas we could marvel at the variety of flowers in bloom. In the picture below you can see five different flowers. And just look at the detail in each flower and leaf!
My invitation is for you to consider the distinction between seeing the beauty of flowers from a distance and getting up close so you can actively engage with the flowers. These are two different approaches to admiring the wild flowers in the Western Cape. And both are wonderful ways to experience this miracle that occurs each year. In the first we marvel at the tapestry which nature has woven. In the second, we appreciate the intricate details of the plants and flowers weaving our picture.
I believe this is a metaphor which we can use in so many areas of our lives. In certain cases we complacently or lazily notice only the big picture. In others we may curiously examine the parts and their interconnectedness. Perhaps we should always be conscious that we are doing one or the other? And then we can make choices. It can add greater variety to our perspectives on many aspects and issues we face. Try it! You might be surprised at how you always view things in the same way. Experimenting could add greater meaning.
My questions for you are:
- As you journey along life’s journey, what signs are you seeing along the way?
- Just ‘going the extra mile’ how different might your view be?
- If you shift your emphasis from the whole, the ‘big picture’, how might you appreciate the parts?
- How often are you getting in touch with nature?
- What journeys do you need to make?
For further information on Executive Coaching or Leadership Development please see or contact Brenda on brenda@ or +27 82 4993311.
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