Life is full or patterns and learning to recognise them enables us to develop appropriate behaviours. We need to notice differences and similarities. For example, what do fennel, ‘Pandanus Utilits’ and zebra have in common? You are right, they are all found on this planet. And they most probably all occur naturally on different continents. But perhaps it is only in Africa that all three are found naturally?
So, let’s explore further. Another correct answer would be that they are all ‘living things’. So we are getting closer. What else is similar about them? Use all your senses. No, it isn’t the smell. And I don’t think any of us would want to taste a Zebra. Plants don’t seem to make audible sounds. So what about the visual aspects? Let’s look at the photos:
Look carefully. To me, the one thing that is repeated is the pattern itself. The stems of fennel and Pandanus Utilis create zig-zag patterns and these are similar to the visual patterns found on the coats of zebra.
This might appear to be an arbitrary exercise with little meaning. But I hope it has shown how looking for similarities and differences and what is repeated is an important part of recognising patterns in all aspects of our lives. By observing we are learning to see similarities and repetition in usual ways.
In integral coaching, through cognitive self-observation of behaviour, emotions, and thoughts we become aware of what we are really doing, and how we are responding. That involves cognitive self-observations. Once we uncover our ‘blind spots’, we can develop relevant practices to develop new neural pathways. This will give us mastery in that we can recognise triggers when we are heading towards undesirable ways of reacting and use our developing competencies to self-correct and respond in a more beneficial way.
So, my recommendation is that you find yourself a well-qualified integral coach and commit yourself to a programme which will help to shift your ‘way of being’. Life will be so much more fun! You’ll be more productive and your life will be more ‘in balance’.
But in the meantime, notice the patterns around you. And when you journal each day, be curious and record your insights. By crystallising your thoughts you’ll see your own patterns and be able to respond in more appropriate ways.
For more information on Executive Coaching please contact Brenda on brenda@ or +27 82 4993311.
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