'Our attitude determines our altitude’ is a quote which we often hear. And this re-enforces the importance of having a positive attitude and an ‘abundance’ mentality. There is enough for everyone. Let’s share.
Important questions to consider as you look introspectively are:
- Are you a ‘taker’ or a ‘giver’?
- Do you constantly demand your ‘rights’ or do you concentrate more on your responsibilities?
We all exhibit shades of all of these attributes under different circumstances. But how can we use the positive aspects to enhance our own lives and live together for common advantage?
I was chatting to a leading attorney, Andries Geyser and our conversation edged towards the fact that in his professional work he is constantly engaged in fighting for a client’s ‘slice of the pie’. And he sees it from both sides. He suggests that people ‘come to the table’ to see how much they can take and not how much they can give – if they did it the other way round so many more disputes could be resolved without the expense and acrimony, which they end up incurring. He says: ‘Real strength lies not in having and holding, but in giving.’ This really ‘struck a chord’ with me. How much greater the quality of our lives would be if we could all work together and share more.
I believe that the ‘hallmark’ of a good relationship is where each partner brings out the best in the other. That is a simple test. And it can apply to business partnerships or to our private lives. But it starts with ourselves. Our own attitude and approach to life is important. Happiness impacts positively on all domains of our lives.
I smiled as Andries told me how he calls himself the ‘Self appointed World President of the Blue Sky Society, the object of which is to bring out the happiness in everyone. Membership is free and you don’t have to fill in any forms to become a member. All you have to do is to bring out the happiness in yourself.
You remain a member for as long as you are happy and positive. You automatically suspend yourself when you become negative and allow yourself to become unhappy.
Fundamentally it is not what happens to you, it is how you respond to it. Happiness is there for you to take out of any situation. Nothing can be so bad that it can’t get worse – unless of course that you respond to it with happiness.’ These are the words of a wise man.
As a coach I tend to ask questions and when I asked Andries if he had a theme song, a song that would be a metaphor for his approach, he broke into song and sang ‘Zippidy Do Da … what a wonderful day’. Another in his repertoire is ‘It’s a wonderful world’. I was really excited as his approach aligns very closely with my own thoughts and links to the message I gave in my post ‘Oh what a beautiful morning’ in December 2011 and you can link to that by pressing here. (Once you are in the blog, don’t forget to press in the right spot to hear the sounds of the early morning!)
Even when you can’t see the ‘blue sky’ it is always there. Sometimes it may be above the clouds, or it may just be on the other side of the earth. But it is there. And often we need another person to make us realise this.
These are powerful messages. It is important to have an opinion on everything including our approach to life and relationships. But how we put it into action also counts. Andries regularly phones certain friends and associates (who tend not to be that happy) and wishes them ‘blue skies’ and I commend him as this is a wonderful practice.
What are you doing to lighten up some-one else’s life? What can you do right now to show some-one the ‘blue sky” – or to share your thoughts with a like-minded person? Take action now!
I wish you joy as you experience the changing light and sounds of each new day.
If you would like more information on ‘executive coaching’ please contact me - brenda@, Phone: +27 33 3425432, Mobile: + 27 82 4993311.