The world is VUCA – volatile, uncertain, chaotic and ambiguous and this requires a different style of leadership. In these modern times, leaders have to make quick decisions. But there is often no time to collect all the information they need. So they need to be more intuitive and then just take action. Thus new skills are required and ‘a new way of being’ practised and achieved.
I’m delighted that two of my articles relating to these new skills have been included in Rob Salisbury and Monika Newman’s 2016 e-book: ‘Motivating Your Mind…. Inspiring Your Spirit’. Rob and Monika are to be commended on again collecting 102 inspiring stories from 85 writers. And these span many countries.
We are offering you a complimentary copy of the book and this may be accessed as follows:
- Click here.
- Scroll down on the table of contents and click on Brenda Eckstein.
- Click on the download button in the top right hand corner of your screen or right click on the download button to either do a direct download or to save to your dropbox.
Once downloaded, my articles can easily be found. In the table of contents, click on Brenda Eckstein and this will lead you to:
- Why Zumba? - page 36
- Attitude of Behaviour? – page 37
My invitation is to read each article and then reflect. You might find our template (below) useful in leading from reflection to action. I believe that developing your reflective capacity and incorporating action steps will help leaders cope in these VUCA times.
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