Fear of being imperfect sometimes holds us back from taking action. Many of us need to learn that we don’t always have to be perfect …. achieving excellence is okay!
In these volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) times we often don’t have time to collect all the information before making a decision. And that applies regardless of the magnitude of the decision. Expressing the sentiments of Robert E Quinn, as leaders, we need to build the bridge as we walk on it. And this impacts on our leadership of self and others. Right now, we need a different kind of leadership as we cope with the ongoing effects socially, economically, medically and mentally of the stress we are enduring as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.
We now more regularly have to intuitively make snap decisions and act on them. This takes courage. Thus, we feel as though are taking risks while we traverse unknown territory. There is more chance that things will go wrong and the chances of making mistakes are higher. But we need to take these risks and learn to deal with the consequences.
Outcomes could be different from what we expected. However, perhaps we should then put the pieces together innovatively to create a new whole?
To catch a glimpse of my thinking on this topic, please have a look at the BEI website. Or you may wish to go directly to ‘How do I deal with imperfection’ on YouTube and view the latest there.
For more information on executive coaching, leadership development or training, you are welcome to visit our website – www.strategy-leadership.com or contact brenda@strategy-leadership.com
Thank you, Brenda, for this thought provoking blog. It reminds me of your question, ” What if you were to strive to be whole rather than perfect?” That question changed my way of being and my way of doing.