In my previous article, I mentioned A. H. Almaas and his search for Truth. I see a synergy with Senyo Adjibolosoo’s work. In his Dedication in the book, ‘Spiritual Capital: its meaning and essence’, he addresses the negative power of ‘Untruth’.
the untruth corrupts
like either a computer virus
or any disease of the nervous system
or the venom of anger and bitterness
it invades the neuroarchitecture of the brain
and from there paralyzes the wheels of being
stalling the transmission system of its engine
it denies the vehicle of being the fuel for powering
on which the heart’s desire and hope for liberty thrive
it stops it from marching on in fearlessness and vigor
the untruth breeds stupor
it propels feelings of being lost, frustrations, and viciousness
it nurses and bears the fruit of wickedness
it breaks and diffuses the will and resolve of the morally weak
it confuses and leads astray the emotionally troubled
it creates restlessness in the spirit
the untruth embalms
the being of the living soul
and restrains it from acting
from its authentic principle center
the untruth rings
its reverberating sound is loud
it is irritating and deafening
its pitch maims the senses of being
and imprisons the faculty of reason
the untruth flies
the craft of authoritarianism
and sustains it with falsity and deceitfulness
it leads the blind onto wrong flight paths
and forces them to engage in false and fruitless journeys
it weakens the spirit of bravery on the battlefield
it subdues and holds captive the ignorant and unsuspecting
the untruth destroys
the highway between the heart and mind
it transforms its victims into stooges and rubber stamps
it defies and stands against the grain of natural law
it rejects the dictates of its eternal principles
and shoos them into the bottomless pit of hopelessness
Senyo Adjibolosoo, 2007"
This poem will impact on each of us in different ways as we continue our individual searches for meaning.
- What does ‘truth’ mean to you?
- How do you interpret ‘untruth’?
- In dealing with ‘untruth’, what are your stumbling blocks?
- How can you deal with those untruths and find stepping stones?
For more information please see or contact Brenda on brenda@ or +27 82 4993311.
What an incredibly thought provoking piece of writing.