As mentioned in the two previous articles, Growth is an integral element in our training and coaching. And to symbolise Growth, in many programmes I use the distinction of a dried red kidney bean. The bean may lie dormant for years. Then suddenly when exposed to the right amount of water, energy starts to build from within. In the case of humans, this new stimulation could be the influence of Integral Coaching, also referred to in this website as ‘Executive Coaching’.
The bean bursts and the root goes down to anchor the plant. Humans also need to be ‘grounded’ in order to cope with life’s many challenges and be the best that we can possibly be. The root also provides conduit taking water and minerals from the soil so that it can be pumped and distributed to the cells in the rest of the plant.
Next, the shoot, escaping the safely of the dried bean goes upwards reaching towards the sun, into the fresh air in order to tap into oxygen and other elements which will sustain the plant. Humans reach upward finding a new source of light or enlightenment.
Depending on the type of earth and environment in which the plant finds itself, it will thrive or be stunted. In humans we have the advantage of being able to move ourselves towards fertile soil once we ‘unblock’ our blind spots. And Integral Coaching can help us to do that. However, without regular water, the plant will battle to survive. What are you doing to expose yourself to ongoing positive stimulation?

L-R: Riaan van der Merwe, Bonnie Mbewe, Bongani Gumede, Lorato Mosetlhanyane, Moses Ngorima, and Brenda Eckstein.
I am privileged to be the mentor for a group of coaches studying towards their Associate Coaching Course (ACC) through the Centre for Coaching, Graduate School of Business, UCT. At our recent session, as an exercise in developing distinctions, I invited each member of the ‘pod’ to contribute a mini-lesson on personal Growth and allocated one letter from the word BEANS to each. Their independent valuable input follows:
B – Body - Bonnie Mbewe
We need to take care of our body, mind and spirit as part of our personal growth. The body can collapse if not looked after properly. One can take care of the body through good nutrition, i.e. eating healthily, regular exercise and rest. It is essential for personal growth that one gets enough sleep so the body can regenerate cells. The body tells us when it is tired. It becomes sluggish and can manifest in illness which can lead to a complete breakdown. The body is like a computer that needs to reboot in order to work optimally.
E – Energy – Bongani Gumede
Have you noticed how your levels of energy and of those around you influence how much you achieve? Even when driving you assess the terrain and determine how much energy your vehicle needs to achieve the desired outcome. Our bodies and minds function similarly, it is important that when we approach a task at hand we ‘rev’ and pump up our energy, drive ourselves through the task to achieve the desired outcomes. As Tony Robbins once said, "The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body will be and, the more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results."
A – Attitude – Lorato Mosetlhanyane
Our attitude is the difference maker in everything we do and personal growth is not an exception. James Allen said “people are anxious to change their circumstances but are unwilling to change themselves, they therefore remain bound.” As coaches, we cannot give what you don’t have. We therefore have to develop ourselves and grow to keep adding value to others as coaches. If we believe we are learned as coaches, that attitude will stand on our way, but if we humble ourselves and have a teachable spirit, we will learn, grow and be in a position to help others grow and become better people.
As coaches, let us be rivers and not reservoirs: reservoirs take in water to only fill themselves up, but a river, whatever water it receives, it gives away. If we want to keep coaching, we have to keep growing.
N – Nutrients - Moses Ngorima
Nutrients are essential for a coach’s sustenance and growth and these include physical, mental, spiritual and emotional nutrients. Physical nutrients are ingested or obtained from the environment e.g. food and energy from sunlight respectively. They may also come from rest, sleep and exercise. Mental nutrients may be obtained from learning new things such as integral coaching while spiritual nutrients may be obtained from various activities such as reading, prayer, mediation, and yoga. Emotional nutrients could be obtained from joy emanating from deep relationships and connections with worthy purposes.
S – Strategy – Riaan van der Merwe
When looking back at my growth over the past years, it has become clear to me that, without fail, the periods I became most stuck was when I lacked a plan – a strategy – for my life. We often become so engrossed in our busyness that we forget to take time out, stop and take a deep breath – to realise where we are and where we are going. We have all heard the saying: ‘If you don’t know where you are going, any path will take you there!
Pod-members, thank you for your wonderful input! I’m delighted with the team’s individual contributions which have created a harmonious ‘whole’. Together Everyone Achieves More! It is the TEAM that counts. Together we can Grow and spread our learnings.
For more information on Executive Coaching using Integral methodologies, please contact Brenda Eckstein on +27 82 4993311 or brenda@