In our 6-week ‘EYES’ (‘Enhance Your Executive Skills’) course which combines group training and individual coaching sessions, this week’s theme is ‘integration’. How do we take our new insights and use these to enhance our functioning in all areas of our lives?
People often ask about my role as an ‘integral’ coach and the simplest way to describe it is that I help people to turn ‘stumbling blocks’ in to ‘stepping stones’. We all have ‘blind spots’ and a good coach can help us to recognise aspects that are holding us back. Whatever is hampering our progress in one domain is usually having a negative impact in other areas as well. The message is that we need to work on ourselves in an integrated way.
Let me give you some examples:
This week I was again privileged to take two separate groups of clients to ‘HorsePlay’ where Carl Bronner gently but firmly enables participants to find new ways of approaching their leadership roles. At ‘HorsePlay’ it would appear that people are working on their individual horses for the morning. But Carl enables us to see that we are really working on ourselves. The lessons are astounding. My role as a coach is to help individuals consolidate their insights and become even more aware of how they can apply those lessons in their professional and personal lives.
I’m also involved in dog training at present. Again, I am the one who is being trained! Adrienne Olivier reminds us that we are working on ourselves. And there are some hard lessons! Over the years we have been privileged to own many dogs and each has been ‘schooled’ by Adrienne. It continues to fascinate me how there is continuous improvement in techniques and for me dog training is ‘on-going learning’.
You’ll be pleased to hear that our ‘New Kid on the Block’ is progressing well – and so am I! Remember: when we improve the way we train dogs, we are working on ourselves!
Kaiser and the sprinkler system - video clip.
This week Kaiser discovered a new toy – the sprinkler system! Since he came to live with us, it has rained so much that we hadn’t needed to water the garden until this Sunday. So, besides the serious lessons to be learnt and our joy when he (we?) get commands right, we have great fun watching his progress.
Whether we want to achieve our goals through communicating with horses, training a dog, or improving our business or personal lives, we need to work on ourselves.
For more information on ‘executive coaching’, ‘integral coaching’ or training, please contact me - brenda@, Phone: +27 33 3425432, Mobile: + 27 82 4993311.
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