Expand your personal network by improving the quality of relationships within your existing network, and also by adding new contacts in a purposeful manner.
Personal networks are dynamic and constantly changing. Most people would like to expand their networks and at the same time maintain quality and integrity. In order to do this, you need to pay attention to all the aspects of building your network. These include improving your skills, identifying your network, organising and updating the information and sustaining relationships. On this firm foundation you can then build an even stronger and more effective network.
We often underestimate the value of ‘harnessing the power of collective networking’. I thank one of my current clients for emphasising this aspect and wording it so well. A forthcoming blog will provide ideas for symbiotically tapping in to other team-members expertise in networking.
How can you improve the quality of existing relationships within your network?
List your top 20 customers. What action are you going to take in order to sustain each relationship? Are you going to phone them for a chat, meet with them, entertain them, send them an article of interest, or simply send them a message?
Set definite goals for each customer and implement the process of building positive relationships.
Which areas of your network need to be improved? With which categories of people would you like to build relationships? (For example, people in similar positions in other businesses?)
Take action. Build strong networks, keep them alive and you will benefit.
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